Thursday, April 2, 2015

Starting a business

We keep getting enquiries as to they want to start a business and that we should assist. True we can assist. But its you that have to decide what or which business to start.

Starting a business, checking for its viablity, implementing it and executing is not a small task. You need a lot of tenacity and determination.

Getting a seed of viable business idea itself is a big challenge.

People say that you have to start something that you are passionate of!

True, but I have seen people succeeding in businesses that they are not passionate of!

So what do we start?

In my experience I would say start something where there is a need!

There are so many opportunities around you. Look for a gap, and that might be your business idea.

Though almost all businesses have taken up their space in this world, there is still so many areas that has to be untapped.

It need not be a new business idea, it can also be an improvised one from the existing.

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