Friday, April 3, 2015

Do you need capital to start a business?

Many get daunted with the idea of starting a business because they are worried about the capital.

Do all business need capital? Before that lets think why do we need capital?

When you start a business how will others know that you have started something that they can use or buy?

In business scalability is important. Today you may be able to give your products to say 100 people.

Tomorrow? It might scale up to 10000 people. How are you going to manage that?

If you are not ready to scale up, then as well you dont start.

Again it all depends on your needs. If you want to grow, expand and make a name worldwide then be ready for the exponential growth.

Or if you want to be know just to your neighbours and your friends again that is your call.

To scale up, to make people know that you are doing something, you need money.

You need to spend a lot on promotion. Ten days if you don't see an advertisement about a product on the television, we tend to think that they closed that product.

Generally with what I have seen, we hesitate to spend on advertisement, to share our information and knowledge,  to collaborate and work,  to take risks, then how can we start a business? Because starting a business is all these put together.

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