Monday, May 12, 2014

Solar business - 1

How to get into Solar business?

Everyone must be hearing about solar panels and going eco-friendly. My opinion is that since the Sun God shine on us abundantly we should make use of the resource optimally.

If you have been thinking that solar business is only for men then here are the inputs to think otherwise.

Women can get into production of solar panels, maintenance of installation and also market for orders.
You either market for solar panel installation or you can into production.

When you are marketing for solar panel installations, its easy as you get a referral fee or commission from the installation team. That depends on the size of the project. Small installation small amount, big one, big amount.
Your job is to just give contacts of people who will be interested in solar installation.

Who are the potential people that you can contact?
Building owners, apartment owners, schools, colleges.

Before you contact people for installation, remember to have lot of information in your hand. You should have statistical data on the following

1.       What is the cost that will be incurred to setup a solar panel for their requirements?
2.       What will be the savings that the owners reap if the panels are installed.
3.       What will be the maintenance routine?
       What are the schemes that govt gives subsidy for installation?
       More info on my next post.

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